Technical SEO

Technical SEO Techniques

Techniques like content optimization all fall under the category of On-Page, Techniques like optimization of methods like link building are all also down to On-page SEO.

Did you know that technical SEO is now more important than site speed?
1. Site Speed:
A User enters your site URL into the browser Site Speed ​​is how long your web page loads when done
The shorter the web page loads the better. Of late That visitor will leave your site while loading Happens. This page also speeds up Google’s ranking factors. Hence the need to take this seriously. Our page needs to increase its speed.
A. What do you need to do to make your web pages load faster?
Remove some unnecessary plug-ins and widgets. The more elements there are, the slower the pages will load.
B. Optimize all of the images.
Resize large-size images. Many free for this
Tools are available.
RIOT windows Desktop tool
WP Smash – WordPress plugin
TinyPNG WordPress plugin
C. Do not give redundancies beyond what is necessary. Depending on the context
301, 401 have to be given. Pages slow even when these are high
Are loading. Try to minimize these.
D. Choose a Hosting Provider that provides fast service.
2. Create mobile-friendly websites
Nowadays everyone is moving from desktops and laptops to mobile
The screws are made. Most of the browsing is from mobiles even if you look at the statistics
Seems to be happening. Therefore your site must have a mobile Responsive theme. Only then will it be possible to live according to the size of the mobile.
Also AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages) Browsing is also faster due to the use of technology Happens.
3. Focus on site architecture
Switch to HTTPS for this. This requires an SSL certificate. This is a Ranking Factor
Being there will also significantly improve your ranking. This HTTPS,
SSL creates a secure encrypted link between the web server and the browser. This makes the information safer than leaking it to others.
HTTPs = Hypertext transfer protocol secure
SSL = Secure Sockets Layer
4. Delete duplicate content
A. When you really on Freelancer for the content they will copy the content (Plagiarism) they copy from other sources.
Freelancer is up to you to prevent this problem Paste the delivered content on sites like
You can confirm whether it is original or not. Yet some free Plagiarism checker tools are also available
There are.
Https:// plagiarism-checker /
Google considers content on your site to be duplicate content even if it is not indexed under different Tags Categories.
To solve this one by giving REL = Canonical one Version Standard may suggest to Google that the rest be treated as copies.
5. Register your site in Google Search Console
In this search console, you can find many things that you do not know under normal circumstances. You can make appropriate changes to your site based on them.

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