E-Books and Documents

E-Books and Documents

How to copy Pdf to kindle – E-Books and Documents

How to copy Pdf to kindle In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to convert a PDF file into an eBook. Download the Kindle Library Toolkit via amazon.com/Kindle-Library-Toolkit and open the tutorial.

Step 1: Create an eBook Using the Kindle Library Toolkit

Your first eBook copy will be created as a PDF. You can save the file as a PDF, RTF, DOC, or DOCX file. When you get the PDF file, you’ll need to open it with the Kindle Library Toolkit.

Step 2: Convert PDF into eBook

Open the PDF document and copy the header. Drag the File name link next to the original file name.

This will create a new file. Now, you can drag the done button, and the converted file will be saved to the File name field.

On the next screen, select create an eBook.This process will create a new file with the Kindle Library Toolkit.

Step 3: Add the eBook to Your Kindle Library

Launch your Kindle and open the Kindle library. Once you open the Kindles library, you’ll see an eBook. Now you can browse through your eBook and add books to your collection.

This tutorial will only create an eBook and not give you the option to publish it to Amazon’s KDP (Kindle Direct Publishing) marketplace. You’ll need to complete these steps to publish to Amazon. You’ll also need to complete these steps if you want to change the cover.

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Duration:  days

Time spent:  weeks

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